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How and when do you say NO to a client?

A topic i've been itching to deep dive into! For my fellow techs, here we go!

Its always nerve racking to literally say no to a client, whether it be the style of treatment they are after, its suitability and even more simple things such as pricing!

When i first started off, i would bend over backwards for my clients! I still do, but within reason. I found it so hard to say no when a client asked to go extra thick with their ombre, or a super dark colour with no warmth at all even though i knew it wasn't the safest option for them in the long run.

One thing i have learnt is that it only gets easier with experience. You almost grow that backbone and can literally say ''No, i do not recommend this, and I will not do it''. This is purely for their benefit (to reiterate, not because we're being lazy) because we almost know in our guts that they will come back for their colour boost 8 weeks later and ask for tweaks or changes to eyebrows or whatever treatment that is almost irreversible.

Starting off is hard, and you want to nab every client that possibly enquires. Your lower rates compared to other experienced techs will invite a small number of clients and you do everything in your will power to get them in. You almost don't want to scare them away by saying no. I get it, I've been there too! However, over my years of being in the PMU world, I have learnt that the most important thing you can apply to your work and recommend to your clients is to ease them in. The one line I have is ''Play it safe, you can always go bolder, larger, thicker and/or darker later on''. This is my go to motto with all clients. Once you play on the words like this, it gets easier. Plus the experience helps too!

So what I really set off to explain here is that we were all beginners at one point, thirsty and hungry for clients. But one thing to remember on this journey is you will eventually gain the experience, gain the years and build a big enough clientele to no longer consider yourself a beginner. Always remember the importance of standing up for yourself and being able to say no to a client. If it scares them away or they decide to no longer go ahead with the treatment, you may or may not have dodged a bullet. Trust your gut and provide services in a way that you truly believe is safe and know would be the best possible solution for each and every client that visits you.

Lots of love everyone!

Handan x

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